Monday, February 25, 2008

Blog More

Oh my. I really don't post very often. I'm trying to remedy this.
I guess, for now, I'll just talk about my day. Here's how it's gone thus far:
Alarm goes off at 7:22am. I jump up carefully so as not too disturb the little sleeplings nestled in on either side of me. This kind of breath holding, barely moving, slide out of bed with as little disruption as possible is like creeping past a pack of wolves, with that constant concern of what will happen if you fail. I've never actually tried to sneak past a pack of wolves, but I imagine it would be much like this. The consequences of either are about the same. I'd probably be very good at it.
At any rate, I foolishly decided to hit snooze and climb back into my warm cocoon. Actually, I did that twice. But by a quarter to eight I had no choice but to finally face the morning. It seemed harder than usual.
After this it's usually shower, dress, coffee, and breakfast in front of the computer. Unfortunately those bad decisions I made first thing this morning came back to bite me in the ass. The unthinkable happened; Lavinia woke up. While I'm getting dressed she woke up, which meant the routine already made tight by my selfish desire for 8 more minutes of sleep was made impossible by having to help her start her day. Stupid, unthinking me. I didn't even get to finish making breakfast, let alone sit around with coffee, before the little ones arrived. Since then it's been "take me to the bathroom....feed me...feed me.....I have to PEE!!!!.....I'm hungry.....I can jump off the table onto the chair....AAAAHHHHHH it hurts so much!.....I want apples....I don't like apples I want cheese....I hate you me a story.....Do I look bootiful? NO! I don't look bootiful I look cool.....I'm hungry......I have to pee...." and so on.

As if this isn't enough, I'm trying to think of something interesting to do after the childcare children leave (in about 10 minutes.) This is more difficult than it sounds, being Feburary in Ohio. Most interesting places close at 5pm on weekdays, and we've worn out the places that don't. Spring needs to find us soon. We barely get out of the house anymore, especially the kids.

My plan is to feed them dinner, take them somewhere (anywhere, at this point) and get them back home, jammas, brushed teeth, clean faces, and quietly in bed by 8pm. If I achieve this miracle I will have time to myself before getting that early bedtime I so desperately need.