Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 14

Wow, so shame on me for not posting. We've just been so very busy eating rice, chicken, and pears.

Things have been going well up until about day 12. I think I just wasn't as prepared as I had been with tasty foods they could have. They had eggs on day 12. Since then, they've had some wheat and dairy and probably soy and corn in Newman O's. and Corn chips. I haven't seen any direct reactions, but it's been hard to tell, especially since it was all those things at once and loads of sugar, too. Lavinia has been really hard to keep on track, though. I feel like I've totally failed the diet with her. She climbs and sneaks so much stuff.

Last night they had cheese popcorn with their dad. I don't know what that was about.

I have noticed that when this cheating started happened the crankies went into full force and the falling asleep/staying asleep/wetting the bed thing went through the roof. But of course, because it was this mix of foods I have no idea what's actually causing it. All I know is that the calm son I had the last two weeks has disappeared this morning and is replaced with I child I have a very strong urge to strangle. Maybe that's a bit extreme. I feel like that this particular moment, but in reality it's been relatively subtle.

Lavinia I think is fighting a cold, so theres that element to consider. But I'm counting down the hours till their dad comes, nonetheless. 7.5 hours. She's very, very, very whiny. Very irritable. Overly reactive and emotional. It's like she's on her period, 'cept way worse because she's also a four year old girl, thus always on her period. For those not familiar with four year old girls, imagine if you will a child who acts like a 14 year old girl perpetually menstruating. The weepiness, neediness, cravings for chocolate, the "I hate you! You're ruining my life"'s, the quick and drastic mood swings in which she is calm and sweet just long enough to put you off your guard. Got that? Ok, that's the norm; your baseline, as it were. Now imagine the phenomenal PMS to that base line. can you picture that? The complete hysteria? The constant screeming at the top of her lungs? the throwing herself to the floor and wailing about ballet slippers in a manor that would be a far more appropriate reaction to say, the death of a parent.
It's tricky to wrap your mind around what I'm saying, I know. It'd be easier if you just dropped by and witnessed it with your own eyes.

Thank god for Clifford and Curious George.


Allison said...

you are really scaring me. this is why I was sooo freaked when they told me P was going to be a girl. aaack! PMS forever...

think to the future though when she has her own babies and how you can share that with her. that'll give you some warm fuzzies :)

The Stewart's said...

Oh I am so proud of you for continuing on in this diet. It really seems to be having some effect. Makes me re-think why I didn't do it last year. But we're having a better time now. An oh the pertpetual PMS - uh huh I know it.