Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 14

Wow, so shame on me for not posting. We've just been so very busy eating rice, chicken, and pears.

Things have been going well up until about day 12. I think I just wasn't as prepared as I had been with tasty foods they could have. They had eggs on day 12. Since then, they've had some wheat and dairy and probably soy and corn in Newman O's. and Corn chips. I haven't seen any direct reactions, but it's been hard to tell, especially since it was all those things at once and loads of sugar, too. Lavinia has been really hard to keep on track, though. I feel like I've totally failed the diet with her. She climbs and sneaks so much stuff.

Last night they had cheese popcorn with their dad. I don't know what that was about.

I have noticed that when this cheating started happened the crankies went into full force and the falling asleep/staying asleep/wetting the bed thing went through the roof. But of course, because it was this mix of foods I have no idea what's actually causing it. All I know is that the calm son I had the last two weeks has disappeared this morning and is replaced with I child I have a very strong urge to strangle. Maybe that's a bit extreme. I feel like that this particular moment, but in reality it's been relatively subtle.

Lavinia I think is fighting a cold, so theres that element to consider. But I'm counting down the hours till their dad comes, nonetheless. 7.5 hours. She's very, very, very whiny. Very irritable. Overly reactive and emotional. It's like she's on her period, 'cept way worse because she's also a four year old girl, thus always on her period. For those not familiar with four year old girls, imagine if you will a child who acts like a 14 year old girl perpetually menstruating. The weepiness, neediness, cravings for chocolate, the "I hate you! You're ruining my life"'s, the quick and drastic mood swings in which she is calm and sweet just long enough to put you off your guard. Got that? Ok, that's the norm; your baseline, as it were. Now imagine the phenomenal PMS to that base line. can you picture that? The complete hysteria? The constant screeming at the top of her lungs? the throwing herself to the floor and wailing about ballet slippers in a manor that would be a far more appropriate reaction to say, the death of a parent.
It's tricky to wrap your mind around what I'm saying, I know. It'd be easier if you just dropped by and witnessed it with your own eyes.

Thank god for Clifford and Curious George.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 5!

Well I dropped the ball on posting, but everything is going well!

Jonas and Lavinia were at their papa's house over the weekend so I'm not entirely sure how that went, but my understanding is that they didn't have anything off their diet and they didn't have any melt downs or accidents. yay!

Over all Jonas is doing really good. He seems to be handling things very well, better than I expect. His calm is lasting longer and he's loosing his cool less. There's still stimming, but mostly verbal stimming which he acknowledges he does when he's hungry. That's the thing I've found, I've got to be totally on top of the food thing at all times. There needs to be food there before they get hungry. I can handle that.

Last night they were with their papa and had gluten free lemon poppy cake and last night Lavi wet the bed, and she's been grumpy as hell today. I don't know what else was in that cake, but I'll take a guess at milk and eggs and soy.

We've been living on chicken and rice, mostly. And lots of fruit. This morning they had rice cereal with rice milk and grilled chicken for lunch. and snacking on fruit around the clock.

Jonas has been kind of yelly today. Well, everyone has. I had the refrigerator repairman come out this morning and I think that got everybody pretty exciting. It was quite entertaining, if I do say so myself.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Day 1, Take 3 - breakfast

Ah breakfast. Lavinia hasn't even come down yet - she's watching Curious George in my room, but Jonas is down here yelling at me about food. This is so lovely. He wants "sprinkle cheese" on his left over rice pasta. He was all happy and sweet and making a really impressively intricate drawing of excavations when he decide he was hungry and wanted something "heated up". So he snuck some and I caught him and felt like a total jerk throwing out his food. But what am I supposed to do?

The simplest solution is to not have anything he can't have in the house. But the problem is that I watch kids here all week and I can't very well put them on a diet, too. Plus, I'm not about to toss a ton of food that I already have. That's crazy talk.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 2, Dinner

For dinner both kids were with papa and had left over rice and veggies (which I don't think they ate, but were carrots, broccoli, orange bell pepper, onion, olive oil and salt) and I have no idea behavior wise how things went other than "normally".

Day 2, tofu + belly ache

Damnit. Jonas says his belly hurts. He pointed to right below his left ribcage.

Tofu is back out, and tomorrow is back to day 1. M'er F'ers.

Day 2, lunch

For lunch we had stir fry over brown rice. Yummy. But Lavinia didn't eat any veggies, and Jonas only had the aforementioned tofu. And man, rice is way better with butter.

Lavi's really whiny still, and quick to tears, overly emotional. She also had a peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich from a friend. I said it was ok because I was so tired of fighting already, and with her I'm really just thinking dairy and maybe eggs anyway. Wow, I really am horrible at this.

Day 2, I suck at this

ah crap. I caved. What is wrong with me? I suck at this!

I made tofu for Jonas after about an hour or so of his persistent whining, drawing pictures, and describing the benefits of tofu, threatening me and hitting and kicking me. Ugh. He refused to eat anything else and I just feared him not eating. That's the thing, he really will just not eat. I'm sure that he wouldn't starve himself, but he'd get close and he'd get completely out of control in the meantime. I'm trying to keep the peace.

But the thing is, I sat back and thought about why I suspected soy and I don't have any good reasons. Actually, the only ones I can really come up with are that he loves it and he couldn't handle it as a baby. Although, he was (seemingly) fine with it as early as 4 months old, so I dunno.

I'm just going to let him have tofu, but not any other soy, and see how it goes. This is hard.