Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 2, I suck at this

ah crap. I caved. What is wrong with me? I suck at this!

I made tofu for Jonas after about an hour or so of his persistent whining, drawing pictures, and describing the benefits of tofu, threatening me and hitting and kicking me. Ugh. He refused to eat anything else and I just feared him not eating. That's the thing, he really will just not eat. I'm sure that he wouldn't starve himself, but he'd get close and he'd get completely out of control in the meantime. I'm trying to keep the peace.

But the thing is, I sat back and thought about why I suspected soy and I don't have any good reasons. Actually, the only ones I can really come up with are that he loves it and he couldn't handle it as a baby. Although, he was (seemingly) fine with it as early as 4 months old, so I dunno.

I'm just going to let him have tofu, but not any other soy, and see how it goes. This is hard.

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