Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 1, Take 2 - breakfast

Food wise our day is going well (that's not saying much at 10:30am, though). Jonas was happy this morning to discover a somewhat healthy and organic version of Rice Krispies and rice milk awaiting him for breakfast. He had three servings. Lavinia was pretty happy with it, too. She wet the bed last night, so I'm starting to think maybe she does have some food issues.

Jonas did have a little bit of a fit over bananas. I explained to him what I thought and about different kinds of reactions (because, as he said, sometimes he's fine) and about anaphylactic shock (something I knew he'd be intrigued by as well as get the seriousness of) and of course he needed to debate these ideas on the premise that such a good food must be good for you. Fair enough, by not good for you, my man.

He settled on the city fresh extra watermelon, courtesy of Annakiss. Lavinia had an apple, or as she put it, an apple-melon.

Behavior wise it's been pretty normal, if not slightly rosier than normal. Jonas has been a bit of a control freak, as always, but he's been open to redirection. He's also been rather affectionate. He cuddled on my lap this morning for 5 minutes and has stopped in for a few hugs here and there, too. Not altogether untypical, but upped to be sure.
He did get stressed out over the banana thing and started talking about how he didn't want this to happen again, and was clearly getting anxious over food choice limitations, but that resolved better than I expected, even.

Lavi (this is how we spell "Lovie" in reference to her, by the way, as in luh-VIN-ee-ah, or LOVE-in-ee-ah) has been whiny as hell. Quick to tears, and emotional. Oi. She's got the beginning of a cold, so it's probably just that. The wet bed, too.

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