Monday, September 15, 2008


so, yes, I'm a very bad blogger. I'm too busy having a very interesting life. *snort*

But now I have a reason to blog! We're going to start on a Total Elimination Diet, and I couldn't be more terrified.

See, I think Jonas is reacting to some things, wheat being high on the list. The problem is, these things are big parts of his already small diet, so I don't expect this to go well.

I intend to put us all on the diet, though I fully intend to cheat.

I suppose I've put it off long enough, so we're starting tomorrow, little do they know. mwahahaha!


Allison said...

god I wish you luck. I am trying to work on Griffin's diet as well. It's hard when they are picky eaters.

Anna said...

The picky eater thing is my biggest worry. I mean, this kid eats wheat like it's going out of style. I'm hoping that what they say is true; that people crave what they're allergic to and that when they stop eating it their bodies start craving what's good for them again. That just seems too good to be true, though, ya know?